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HopeCity Code

1. Built on the Word 

The Bible is food for our soul, is light for our path, gives purpose for our lives, and is our weapon in battle. 


2. Filled with Power

We realize that all we do is through God's strength! We desire to be emptied of ourselves and filled with the Holy Spirit everyday! Prayer is our connection to God's power. 


3. On Mission

We are unapologetic about our mission- the mission of Jesus! We will do everything we can to allow people, from all walks of life, to experience and live out the hope of Jesus! 


4. Undivided

We are united in our mission. We stand shoulder-to-shoulder, focus fixed, always remembering who our real enemy is. We share the credit in victory and the responsibility in defeat. 


5. Unoffendable

We will not allow the bait of offense to be a distraction from the mission. We will come to the table of truth often and never allow personal disagreement to become division. 


6. Always Honouring

One of the greatest ways we show love is by honouring one another. Therefore, we look for ways to honour up, honour down, and honour all around!


7. Outrageously Generous 

Everything that we have and every breath that we breathe is a gift from God. Out of His limitless supply, we look for every opportunity to be outrageously generous.


8. For the Glory and Honour of our King, Jesus! 

It is all for Jesus! He gave everything for us! We will give our all to Him!


© 2024 HopeCity Church

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